I just backed a Kickstarter project!

Next Generation LiveCode (Open Source) by RunRev Ltd — Kickstarter


LiveCode is like a next generation version of HyperCard. It is used to create #1 one app store apps, real-time flight booking systems and control satellites. It is used to create simple one off apps and utilities to solve day-to-day problems.

There are some things it can’t do – yet. This project is to create a next-generation LiveCode.

Our vision is that this new next-generation LiveCode will be free and open source.

It will run on every popular platform and device.

It will let you write programs in English.

And by being open, its English language programming will be extensible to any computing problem out there. That's a world first.

If you couldn’t code before, LiveCode is the answer. If you’ve used the existing version of LiveCode before and it didn’t do everything you needed, this next-generation version has you covered.