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Tag 3dprinter

trs80gp - A TRS-80 Model 1,2,3,4,12,16,6000,MC-10,Color Computer,DT-1,Videotex Emulator

Category: Link

The year was 1978 and I was mowing lawns and doing odd jobs around my neighborhood to earn enough money to buy the coolest thing I had ever seen, a TRS-80 Model 1 computer at my local Radio Shack. It was awesome and changed the direction of the rest of my life. I spent all my free trime working with it and doing even more odd jobs to buy all the expansion options. I totally speced it out with a monitor, casset tape drive and eventually the expansion kit with a parallel printer. It started a life long hobby and a carreer that took me all over the county. Such great memories!

Bambu Lab releases a brand new Filament Guide – All About Bambu

Category: Link

With all the different types of filament available, it can be hard to keep track and know which one is best suited for your project. Bambu Lab thinks so and has released a new interactive guide to help you choose.

Maker Resources | Compliant Mechanisms

Category: Link

3d resources to 3d print these compliant mechanisms
