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Tag javascript

Reading Too Much into Pong Wars - TidBITS

Category: Link

Jason Kottke recently said he could spend all day watching Koen van Gilst’s Pong Wars, a JavaScript-based mashup of Pong and Breakout (designed by Steve Wozniak with help from Steve Jobs) that feels like a hyperactive digital lava lamp. Pong Wars features two balls, Day and Night, that bounce according to the physics of those games. The Day ball travels through light areas and turns dark blocks light, whereas the Night ball does the reverse, turning light blocks dark.

HTML DOM with JavaScript — Phuoc Nguyen

Category: Link

Web development moves at lightning speed. I still remember when I first started using libraries like jQuery, Prototype, script.aculo.us, Zepto, and many more. Even with modern tools like Angular, VueJS, React, Solid and Svelte, we still have to deal with the Document Object Model (DOM). While these frameworks encapsulate and hide direct DOM management, they still give us access to work with the DOM via refs and event handlers.


Category: Link


Writing Javascript without a build system

Category: Link

Writing Javascript without a build system
