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Tag sqlite

Michael Tsai - Blog - Ducklet 1.0.1

Category: Link

Overall, I like Base and Core Data Lab better, but Base has been giving me a lot of internal errors lately, and I’m unsure whether it’s still under development. However, Ducklet looks promising, so I purchased it on sale.

SQLite with Python - Chris Ostrouchov

Category: Link

SQLite is a commonly misunderstood database. I myself first heard of the database when I was experimenting with android app development. My thoughts were that since the database was a single file and its name had lite in it, that it could not be taken seriously. But I could not have been more wrong. Now I love sqlite and use it for much of my scientific research. Sqlite is everywhere. It is on every android phone, airplanes, and the storage for many computer applications. The sqlite website details when using sqlite would be appropriate to use and can be summarized with these three questions.
