Tech is way, WAY interesting

The Wes Cook Archive


Hi, I’m Cabel. I was driving to Seattle and got hungry, so I stopped at a McDonalds in Centralia, WA. And when I went inside, I saw something incredible.

PATH tips


Always great to get another Julia Evans * wizard zines * comic. This one is on the Linux Path command.

George Clooney and Brad Pitt Are Hollywood’s BFFs | GQ


Pitt and Clooney—they are used to living like this. Surrounded by beauty. In majestic isolation. They have been friends for nearly a quarter-century, in part because of what they share: an understanding of where the road that every young actor dreams of walking—that road that represents some intoxicating combination of money and attention and success—ends up. It ends up here. In a place a regular human could barely describe (trust me, I’m trying), let alone relate to. What else can you do but laugh?

Crazy Charlie’s Window – Rands in Repose


The lab technician role was among the lowest rungs on the Social Science ladder. My boss was a tenured professor who was somehow protecting grant money by hiring a minimum-wage lab technician. Her description of the role during the interview versus what she described on my first day had little intersection.

Regexes Got Good: The History And Future Of Regular Expressions In JavaScript — Smashing Magazine


Modern JavaScript regular expressions have come a long way compared to what you might be familiar with. Regexes can be an amazing tool for searching and replacing text, but they have a longstanding reputation (perhaps outdated, as I’ll show) for being difficult to write and understand.

Top Programming Languages 2024 - IEEE Spectrum


Welcome to IEEE Spectrum’s 11th annual rankings of the most popular programming languages. As always, we combine multiple metrics from different sources to create three meta rankings. The “Spectrum” ranking is weighted towards the profile of the typical IEEE member, the “Trending” ranking seeks to spot languages that are in the zeitgeist, and the “Jobs” ranking measures what employers are looking for.

Top Programming Languages Methodology 2024 - IEEE Spectrum


In our goal of trying to estimate a programming language’s popularity, we realized that no one can look over the shoulder of every person writing code, whether that be a child writing a Java script for a personal Minecraft server, a mobile app developer hoping to hit it big, or an aerospace engineer writing mission-critical code for a voyage to Mars. Our Top Programming Languages interactive tries to tackle the problem of estimating a language’s popularity by looking for proxy signals.

Taking command of the Context Menu in macOS  ⌘I  Get Info


ContextMenu - Many years ago I found ContextMenu ($4.99) which solves all of the issues I have with the Automator approach. There’s also a free version, ContextMenu Lite, that supports up to 3 actions to give you a taste of the good stuff.

trs80gp - A TRS-80 Model 1,2,3,4,12,16,6000,MC-10,Color Computer,DT-1,Videotex Emulator


The year was 1978 and I was mowing lawns and doing odd jobs around my neighborhood to earn enough money to buy the coolest thing I had ever seen, a TRS-80 Model 1 computer at my local Radio Shack. It was awesome and changed the direction of the rest of my life. I spent all my free trime working with it and doing even more odd jobs to buy all the expansion options. I totally speced it out with a monitor, casset tape drive and eventually the expansion kit with a parallel printer. It started a life long hobby and a carreer that took me all over the county. Such great memories!

Setting up an SSH Honeypot on the Raspberry Pi with sshesame - Pi My Life Up


An SSH honeypot is a fake SSH server that you can run on your Raspberry Pi to capture bad actors. A user or bot attempting to access your network would get stuck in the honeypot.

Bambu Lab releases a brand new Filament Guide – All About Bambu


With all the different types of filament available, it can be hard to keep track and know which one is best suited for your project. Bambu Lab thinks so and has released a new interactive guide to help you choose.

MacStadium Releases Free Orka Desktop macOS Virtualization Software - MacRumors


Mac cloud services provider MacStadium today unveiled Orka Desktop, a free virtualization tool that allows Mac users to create and manage macOS virtual machines locally via an easy-to-use admin panel.

monkeymademe/picamera2-WebUI: This is a VERY basic WebUI for the Picamera2 Library for the Raspberry Pi


Picamera2 WebUI is a lightweight web interface for the Raspberry Pi camera module, built on the Picamera2 Python library and using Flask. This project provides a user interface to configure camera settings, capture photos, and manage images in a basic gallery.

Calculating Empires


How can we understand the operations of technology and power in our era? Our technological systems are increasingly complex, interconnected, automated and opaque. Social institutions, from schools to prisons, are becoming data industries, incorporating pervasive forms of capture and analysis. Even places that were once off-limits to capital, from our emotional expressions to outer space, are now subject to computational control and extraction. Meanwhile, the industrial transformations in AI are

MicroMac, a Macintosh for under £5


A microcontroller Macintosh

Career Advice from Jim Donovan – Espresso Insight


Career Advice from Jim Donovan - I stumbled upon “The Making of an Investment Banker”, a talk given by Jim Donovan to the UVA school of law, which was posted to their YouTube channel. I found the advice to be quite good, regardless of your chosen career path, investment banker or otherwise. 3 pieces of advice before starting your career / job: Read the Wall Street Journal every day, no matter what. You should read 3 articles: one macro article, such as related to what the Fed is doing with interest rates, for example. one on a specific company that recently released earnings, or a specific transaction / acquisition. one op-ed

Hydrogen Is Coming to the Rescue - IEEE Spectrum


A consortium of U.S. federal agencies has pooled their funds and wide array of expertise to reinvent the emergency vehicle. The hybrid electric box truck they’ve come up with is carbon neutral. And in the aftermath of a natural disaster like a tornado or wildfire, the vehicle, called H2Rescue, can supply electric power and potable water to survivors while acting as a temperature-controlled command center for rescue personnel.

And it can also do that | Seth's Blog


If you were around when the Model T was first announced, you could have built the organizations that became Disney, McDonald’s and Holiday Inn, all of which were powered by cheap, plentiful cars. You could have become a major developer of suburbs, mortgage banking and even pop music record labels (car radios changed the way music was consumed).

Jevons paradox is not surprising | Seth's Blog


When a resource can be used more efficiently, we end up using more of the thing, not less.

Use These Simple Strategies to Retain Everything You Read


When you first start with a blank sheet, you’re forced to search your memory and put on paper what you know (or what you think you know) about a subject. As you read, you see that understanding grow as you add new knowledge to the foundation.

Use inxi to Get All Kind of System Information in Linux


inxi is a handy script that provides you with the system hardware and software information about the Linux system it is executed on. Learn more about using it.

Great American Eclipse


This animation of the Moon’s shadow across North America simulates the view from a spacecraft 125 miles high chasing the shadow! On April 8, 2024, everyone inside the shadow will experience the breathtaking sight of the Sun’s corona during the total solar eclipse. Totality races from Mazatlan to Newfoundland.

Reading Too Much into Pong Wars - TidBITS


Jason Kottke recently said he could spend all day watching Koen van Gilst’s Pong Wars, a JavaScript-based mashup of Pong and Breakout (designed by Steve Wozniak with help from Steve Jobs) that feels like a hyperactive digital lava lamp. Pong Wars features two balls, Day and Night, that bounce according to the physics of those games. The Day ball travels through light areas and turns dark blocks light, whereas the Night ball does the reverse, turning light blocks dark.

Answering a few early Vision Pro questions – Six Colors


Like pretty much any Apple device, you can directly connect a Vision Pro to external pointing devices—at least, you can connect the Magic Trackpad and some Bluetooth keyboards. I was able to get a Magic Keyboard connected to it simply by opening the Bluetooth area of the Settings app and selecting the Magic Keyboard. It really couldn’t have been easier.

iFixit Shares Apple Vision Pro Teardown - MacRumors


iFixit's disassembly of the Vision Pro reveals several internal components, including an array of cameras and sensors, fans, lens motors, and more. Unsurprisingly, it appears that opening and repairing the headset will be difficult.
