Tech is way, WAY interesting



Current list of Pelican plug-ins on GitHub

European civilization is built on ham and cheese,


European civilization is built on ham and cheese, which allowed protein to be stored throughout the icy winters.

SQLite with Python - Chris Ostrouchov


SQLite is a commonly misunderstood database. I myself first heard of the database when I was experimenting with android app development. My thoughts were that since the database was a single file and its name had lite in it, that it could not be taken seriously. But I could not have been more wrong. Now I love sqlite and use it for much of my scientific research. Sqlite is everywhere. It is on every android phone, airplanes, and the storage for many computer applications. The sqlite website details when using sqlite would be appropriate to use and can be summarized with these three questions.

It's going to be okay. - The Oatmeal


And if you haven't seen this, well then. Let's fix that right now. Via @Oatmeal.

Install Mini PiTFT | Pi Hole Ad Blocker with Pi Zero W | Adafruit Learning System


Raspberry Pi Zero W

The Expanse UI Design — HUDS+GUIS


The Expanse UI Design

Ping network monitor


The ping command is a built in linux and macOS command that shows the performance of the network connection to a remote server. It can be used to log network performance issues over time. The default ping command displays the results to standard output (the shell window). Used with the …

Save Text Snippets to DayOne using Better Touch Tool


For a long time I've wanted a quick way to save text snippets in a timestamped, quickly searchabe form. Today I created a Better Touch Tool keyboad shortcut to save text snippets to a specific DayOne journal.

Here are the details on github so that you too can enjoy this …



The book that started it all for me. Sometime around 1979 #kim1 #6502 #robot #diy #developer

Raspberry Pi USB boot


How to install Ubuntu Desktop on Raspberry Pi 4 | Ubuntu

Ubuntu is an open source software operating system that runs from the desktop, to the cloud, to all your internet connected things.

Install Ubuntu Desktop on Raspberry Pi 4

Covers the basics of updating your Pi 4 to USB boot …

Pluto Attacks


"The Plutonians are not happy with us calling their home a 'dwarf' planet. So when they discovered a trick in the space time continuum they sent an infinite number of drones to attack Earth. We created an energy weapon that can siphon off the energy from the drones weapons. This powers the Earths vessel and creates a powerful energy shield. Remember, don't let even one alien escape!"

Future Projects


I've been doing this for decades and now I want to be an HTML5 game devloper. I'm starting with a server! Well, I have very little experience with game development, graphics, animation, sound, so it's going to be a fun journey.

Stories in the pipeline:

  • VSCode Remote
  • Installing Docker, Docker-Compose …

macOS - BitBar - Get Wi-Fi SSID with shell script


So, Jason Snell got me hooked on BitBar (BitBar (by Mat Ryer - @matryer) lets you put the output from any script/program in your Mac OS X Menu Bar.) and I've been working on a plugin ever since. Here's a quick way to get your current Wi-Fi SSID.

function display-ssid …

How to answer questions in a helpful way


We all work together. I always try to assume the other person is asking a serious question. Depending on how tired I am I may not answer in the best way. Here are some tips to stay on track.

How to answer questions in a helpful way

Answer Questions Well …

How to think like a programmer — lessons in problem solving


How to think like a programmer — lessons in problem solving

by Richard Reis How to think like a programmer — lessons in problem solvingBy Richard Reis [https://twitter.com/richardreeze]If you’re interested inprogramming, you may well have seen this quote before: > “Everyone in this country should learn to program …

The Gateless Gate


"This classic Zen Buddhist collection of 49 koans with commentary by Mumon was originally published in 1934, and later included in Paul Reps and Nyogen Senzaki's popular anthology Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. Due to non-renewal it is currently in the public domain in the US (although other parts of Zen …

Hyperlegible Typeface


I love this and will need it sooner than I expect.

"Atkinson Hyperlegible font is named after Braille Institute founder, Robert J. Atkinson.  What makes it different from traditional typography design is that it focuses on letterform distinction to increase character recognition, ultimately improving readability."

https://www.brailleinstitute.org/freefont …

Get the most from Siri music


I'm terrible a playing music, this helps.

Hey Siri, Play Some Music: All the Music Commands (and more …)

How to play Music by Activity and Mood

Apple Music has a couple of not so obvious activities and moods, which you can use to specify what to play:

  • *Hey Siri play …

Nodemon for Docker


I just installed Nodemon in my development Docker container. Here are the details.

Game developers need a quick and easy server solution. Docker, nodejs, mysql, sqlite, socket.io are working great for me. This is part of my upcoming series on how to make it all work. Its way, WAY …

Use Prism for Syntax Highlighting in Ghost


Configure Ghost and Prism to provide code syntax highlighting for all popular formats including javascript, php, html, css, markdown and more.

Ghost is a great CMS and it's easy to add a code syntax highlighter such as Prism.


Ghost version 3.3
Prism version 1.21


There are …

Studio Ghibli 50 free stills


Studio Ghibli just announced they’ll be uploading 50 free stills from each of their movies: “feel free to use them as you wish, within the bounds of common sense”

Discover Phaser - The Book


@photonstorm Thanks to @thomaspalef for this excellent resource. . Worth every penny.

iOS is Boring


I’m a big Apple fan and I have lots of Apple products and the real problem is that iOS is boring. Tim Cook is known for efficiency and Jonathan Ive loves his basic looks, however, when combined they are boring! iOS used to have lots of little details that …

The Anatomy of the Underwater Fiber Optic Cables That Connect the Internet


The Anatomy of the Underwater Fiber Optic Cables That Connect the Internet

An Explanation for Why People Don’t Often See ‘B’ Batteries


An Explanation for Why People Don’t Often See ‘B’ Batteries
