Tech is way, WAY interesting

How Many Decimals of Pi Do We Really Need? - Edu News | NASA/JPL Edu


How Many Decimals of Pi Do We Really Need? 3.141592653589793. That’s it. For the whole visible universe!

The Intel Split – Stratechery by Ben Thompson


The Intel Split

Obsidian Community Plugins


There are several Community Plugins used to create the 64Zbit.com website. Here are a list of the ones I'm currently using.

Google Fonts Blog: Flow and Redacted


When you need to hide something, but still want them to be able to see it later. Of course, they could just look at the source.

Pretty nice looking fonts. Check out the details here:

Google Fonts Blog: Flow and Redacted: Check out these new options for wireframes and other …

Moxie Marlinspike 'My First Impressions of Web3'


Moxie Marlinspike shares his first impressions of Web3. Seems that Web3 is already a mess.



It was tough today. Whew!

Using Pelican


Steps to publishing to Pelican from Obsidian.

First Robotics Rapid React


Todays the day the First Robotics Rapid React competition is revealed.

pelican-plugins/jinja2content: Use Jinja2 template code within post content


This plugin allows the use of Jinja2 directives inside your Pelican articles and pages.

Images with Obsidian and Pelican


A short article on how to work with images so they display correctly in Obsidian and when published with Pelican.

Raspberry Pi as a Flask Server


I created an Air Quality Index gadget made from a Raspberry Pi Zero W with a tiny OLED screen from Adafruit. It shows the AQI from my local PurpleAir sensor. I created a Flask web server on the Pi so I could remotely see the AQI and change the PurpleAir sensor ID.

New Pelican based Website


It's been in the works for awhile, but today I updated my production server settings to show the new website based on the Pelican static site generator.

Favicon Generator for perfect icons on all browsers


Why RealFaviconGenerator

iPhone Device Resolutions


A quick chart showing the different iPhone resolutions.

pelican-plugins/search: Pelican plugin that adds site search capability


This plugin generates an index for searching content on a Pelican-powered site.

Publish Pelican To Remote Web server


Tips and ideas on best way to publish a static site generated with Pelican using the Makefile and creating Obsidian commands.

Deep Thoughts


Deep Thoughts I've learned along the way.



Current list of Pelican plug-ins on GitHub

European civilization is built on ham and cheese,


European civilization is built on ham and cheese, which allowed protein to be stored throughout the icy winters.

SQLite with Python - Chris Ostrouchov


SQLite is a commonly misunderstood database. I myself first heard of the database when I was experimenting with android app development. My thoughts were that since the database was a single file and its name had lite in it, that it could not be taken seriously. But I could not have been more wrong. Now I love sqlite and use it for much of my scientific research. Sqlite is everywhere. It is on every android phone, airplanes, and the storage for many computer applications. The sqlite website details when using sqlite would be appropriate to use and can be summarized with these three questions.

It's going to be okay. - The Oatmeal


And if you haven't seen this, well then. Let's fix that right now. Via @Oatmeal.

Install Mini PiTFT | Pi Hole Ad Blocker with Pi Zero W | Adafruit Learning System


Raspberry Pi Zero W

The Expanse UI Design — HUDS+GUIS


The Expanse UI Design

Ping network monitor


The ping command is a built in linux and macOS command that shows the performance of the network connection to a remote server. It can be used to log network performance issues over time. The default ping command displays the results to standard output (the shell window). Used with the …

Save Text Snippets to DayOne using Better Touch Tool


For a long time I've wanted a quick way to save text snippets in a timestamped, quickly searchabe form. Today I created a Better Touch Tool keyboad shortcut to save text snippets to a specific DayOne journal.

Here are the details on github so that you too can enjoy this …
