Autofocus Variations Can Ruin Your Focus Accuracy
This drone fly-through of Tesla's new factory in Berlin is amazing. I've never seen anything quite like this – the drone flies through cars being assembled and machinery in between cycles of stamping out parts.
The Mad Ned Memo covers the development of computer technology over the past 40 years to the present day, from someone who has been there through it all. Stories and commentary on the early years of the microprocessor and home computer, the gaming revolution from arcade to mobile platform, hardware and software hacking adventures, and the titanic and sometimes strange shifts in technology that we’ve seen in our lives.
The Raspberry Pi Imager is a great piece of software for preparing your SD cards for use with Raspberry Pis. However, if you’re setting up a number of Raspberry Pis you will find that you still need to connect a monitor, keyboard and mouse to them to complete the …
Take a deep dive into modern web browsers and see how it all works!
Rsync, or Remote Sync, is a free command-line tool that lets you transfer files and directories to local and remote destinations. Rsync is used for mirroring, performing backups, or migrating data to other servers.
Use Scriptable app to run javascript in a widget on your iOS device.
How Many Decimals of Pi Do We Really Need? 3.141592653589793. That’s it. For the whole visible universe!
There are several Community Plugins used to create the website. Here are a list of the ones I'm currently using.
When you need to hide something, but still want them to be able to see it later. Of course, they could just look at the source.
Pretty nice looking fonts. Check out the details here:
Google Fonts Blog: Flow and Redacted: Check out these new options for wireframes and other …
Moxie Marlinspike shares his first impressions of Web3. Seems that Web3 is already a mess.
Todays the day the First Robotics Rapid React competition is revealed.
This plugin allows the use of Jinja2 directives inside your Pelican articles and pages.
A short article on how to work with images so they display correctly in Obsidian and when published with Pelican.
I created an Air Quality Index gadget made from a Raspberry Pi Zero W with a tiny OLED screen from Adafruit. It shows the AQI from my local PurpleAir sensor. I created a Flask web server on the Pi so I could remotely see the AQI and change the PurpleAir sensor ID.
It's been in the works for awhile, but today I updated my production server settings to show the new website based on the Pelican static site generator.
This plugin generates an index for searching content on a Pelican-powered site.
Tips and ideas on best way to publish a static site generated with Pelican using the Makefile and creating Obsidian commands.