Tech is way, WAY interesting

Retro Wooden Robot Nut Crackers


Retro Wooden Robot Nut Crackers


Matthias Zschaler designed two retro-styled wooden Nut Crackers for SUCK UK that look like robots. To operate them, the nut goes in the robot’s tummy and the key is turned to crack open the shell. They are available to purchase at SUCK UK.

…Robot …

Eleven iPad-centric schools to open in the Netherlands


Eleven iPad-centric schools to open in the Netherlands

Eleven iPadcentric schools to open in the NetherlandsEleven schools in The Netherlands plan to replace blackboards, schedules and more with iPads. In fact, each student's entire educational career will hinge on Apple's revolutionary tablet device.

Scheduled to open this August, the so-called "Steve Jobs Schools" will host about 1 …

Robotic Machine Vision Software


Robotic Machine Vision Software

RoboRealm® is an application for use in computer vision, image analysis, and robotic vision systems. Using an easy point and click interface RoboRealm simplifies vision programming! With an inexpensive USB webcam and the PC you already have you can now add machine vision to your robotic …

How-To: A Quick and Sturdy Wood Box


How-To: A Quick and Sturdy Wood Box

After a bit of sanding, Mumm-Ra has a nice little spot to chill in. What will you use your box for?At some point we're all going to need to build a box. Whether it's to keep a tool safe, or build a project enclosure, knowing how to make a box that's a custom size really comes in handy.

Read the full article on …

Arduino Robot


Arduino Robot

\$275 from the MakerShed.


With the Arduino Robot, you can learn about electronics, mechanics, and software. It is a tiny computer on wheels. It comes with a number of of project examples you can easily replicate, and it is a powerful robotics platform that you can hack to …

Arduino - Robot


Arduino - Robot


The Arduino Robot is the first official Arduino on wheels. The robot has two processors, one on each of its two boards. The Motor Board controls the motors, and the Control Board reads sensors and decides how to operate. Each of the boards is a full Arduino board …

MAKE | Introducing New Column from Arduino’s Massimo Banzi


MAKE | Introducing New Column from Arduino’s Massimo Banzi


Ask any maker what the hottest subjects are in DIY electronics these days, and odds are the first answer will be Arduino. Since the earliest boards were built in 2005 to enable students to run interactive design projects with open-source tools …

Sparki - The Easy Robot for Everyone! by ArcBotics — Kickstarter


Sparki - The Easy Robot for Everyone! by ArcBotics — Kickstarter

Easy, affordable, feature packed Arduino robot. Comes w/ sensors motors and more. Great intro to programming/electronics/robots

Voila Capture18

New: Drag-and-Drop Block Programming!

We're partnering with MiniBloq to bring Drag-and-Drop programming to Sparki! Easy robot programming, bringing the age range down to …

RoboBrrd : Your DIY Educational Robotic Pet!


RoboBrrd : Your DIY Educational Robotic Pet!

Another cool robot from RobotGrrl.

Buddy 4000 Your Fun Robot!


A classy robot chassis designed to express robot emotions with an artistic flair

More info at: RoboBrrd : Your DIY Educational Robotic Pet!

Jack Conte Video Featuring Awesome Robots


Site of J. Edgar Park

A cool video of some awesome robots by Jack Conte.

More info at: Site of J. Edgar Park

#adafruit6secs - The Adafruit 6 second electronics film festival


#adafruit6secs - The Adafruit 6 second electronics film festivalNewImage

The Adafruit 6 second electronics film festival! #adafruit6secs

Call For Entries: Announcing The Adafruit 6 second electronics film festival! Share your cool project in 6 seconds of video and win up to \$600 at the Adafruit store, with six runners up winning …

Lego's Mindstorms EV3 programmable robots have character - YouTube


Lego's Mindstorms EV3 programmable robots have character - YouTube

The next generation of Lego's programmable robotics kit is teaches kids how to program, but also offers something for adult enthusiasts.


More info at: Lego's Mindstorms EV3 programmable robots have character - YouTube

HowStuffWorks "How Robots Work"


HowStuffWorks "How Robots Work"


On the most basic level, human beings are made up of five major components:

A body structure
A muscle system to move the body structure 
A sensory system that receives information about the body and the surrounding environment
A power source to activate the muscles and …

Why your 8-year-old should be coding | VentureBeat


Why your 8-year-old should be coding | VentureBeat

April 12, 2013 9:01 AM Jolie O'Dell


Learn-to-code startups abound these days, but one in particular is focusing on the very young and is having some success in elementary schools around the country — even underserved schools with no budgets for STEM but …

Moving d11.me Website To New URL


Welcome to the new home of d11.me. I have moved the Url to robotcraft.org and hopefully everything has transferred successfully. You will need to reregister to make a new comment and you will need to update the RSS feeds. Thanks for putting up with the confusion.


Fraser Speirs - Blog - Teaching Programming with iOS and Amazon EC2


The world just keeps on changing. Never bet against it.

Fraser Speirs - Blog - Teaching Programming with iOS and Amazon EC2

I just shut down the Amazon EC2 instance we've been using all school year, so I thought it was worth reflecting on. Last August, I wrote about my new approach …

When Did Intelligent Life Emerge in the Universe? » A Curious Mind


When Did Intelligent Life Emerge in the Universe? » A Curious Mind


Figure 1. The Helix Nebula; the gaseous outer layers expelled by a dying star. The ejected material enriches the interstellar medium (from which new stars and planets form) with carbon. Credit: NASA, ESA, C. R. O’Dell (Vanderbilt University …




Announcing LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 04/01/2013 Coming Fall 2013: LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Create and command robots that do what you want.

With LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 you can turn your LEGO creations into live robots that follow your every command. The new LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 set …

Apple Today


Jobs made Apple exciting, now it's just a company. Journalists are bored.

Dynamic Robot Manipulation – Brick throwing robot « adafruit industries blog


Now we are getting somewhere. This is really cool.

Dynamic Robot Manipulation – Brick throwing robot « adafruit industries blog

BigDog handles heavy objects. The goal is to use the strength of the legs and torso to help power motions of the arm. This sort of dynamic, whole-body approach is routinely used …

Oreo Separator Machine #1 « adafruit industries blog


The ultimate robot!

Oreo Separator Machine #1 « adafruit industries blog

A detailed look into the complex world of Oreo separation- featuring music by my band, Anamanaguchi

Enchanting : Enchanting : Enchanting


Cool new way to program the NXT. Will have to follow this to see how it turns out...

Enchanting : Enchanting : Enchanting

What is Enchanting?

Enchanting is a tool to allow children an easy-to-understand way to program LEGO MINDSTORMS NXTrobots. It is based on Scratchand BYOB/Snap!, and powered by leJOS …

Next Generation LiveCode (Open Source) by RunRev Ltd — Kickstarter


I just backed a Kickstarter project!

Next Generation LiveCode (Open Source) by RunRev Ltd — Kickstarter


LiveCode is like a next generation version of HyperCard. It is used to create #1 one app store apps, real-time flight booking systems and control satellites. It is used to create simple one off apps …

Celebrity Lecture Series | Fort Worth Museum of Science and History


Can't wait to see Mark Frauenfelder at the science museum next week!

Celebrity Lecture Series | Fort Worth Museum of Science and History

February 28, 2013 Mark Frauenfelder The Maker Movement – 7 pm Adult \$12 Children (2-12)/Senior (65+) \$10.00


Mark Frauenfelder is the editor-in-chief of Make magazine, the leading …

Hans 555 Timer IC - Circuit Playground Plushie ID: 1022 - $9.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits


Hans 555 Timer IC - Circuit Playground Plushie ID: 1022 - \$9.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits


Hans is the 'old man' of the group. He tends to be nervous and is often indecisive. Hans frequently changes his mind, and is a little fidgety (he oscillates) when he's …
