Tech is way, WAY interesting

s l o w  r o a d s


Slow Roads - Endless Driving

Transferable skills - Chris Coyier


At a macro level, you learn programming concepts that are largely transferable regardless of language. The syntax may differ, but the core ideas are still the same. This can include things like: data-structures (arrays, objects, modules, hashes), algorithms (searching, sorting), architecture (design patterns, state management) and even performance optimizations (e.g. eager vs lazy evaluation, memoization, caching, lazy-loading etc). These are concepts you’ll use so frequently that knowing them backwards can have a lot of value.



Manton Reece and Brent Simmons — have noticed that JSON has become the developers’ choice for APIs, and that developers will often go out of their way to avoid XML. JSON is simpler to read and write, and it’s less prone to bugs.

Python - Multithreaded Programming


The Threading Module

How to import local modules with Python - Quentin Fortier


1st solution: add root to sys.path

OpenWonderLabs/SwitchBotAPI: SwitchBot Open API Documents


Open Token and Secret Key

switchbot-client · PyPI


An unofficial Python client implementation of the SwitchBot API.

Python 3 - Command Line Arguments


Python provides a getopt module that helps you parse command-line options and arguments.

Markdown Preview Github Styling - Visual Studio Marketplace



Peek — The Ultimate macOS Quick Look Extension


Peek — The Ultimate Quick Look Extension

geerlingguy/ansible-for-devops: Ansible for DevOps examples.


This repository contains Ansible examples developed to support different sections of Ansible for DevOps, a book on Ansible by Jeff Geerling.

Makefile Tutorial By Example


Why do Makefiles exist?

How to install Ansible on Ubuntu Server 22.04 | TechRepublic


How to install Ansible

Make your first open source contribution - Marko Denic - Web Developer


By doing open source contributions, you will learn a lot. It allows you to become a part of the open-source community. It can be hard at the beginning, but it’s definitely worth it.

"Markdown cheat sheet by GitHub https://t.co/S7eJwKssFT" / Twitter


GitHub uses a syntax called Markdown to format text. As many Python folks use GitHub, here’s a handy reference to how Markdown encodes the typical document formats including bold/italic/lists and much more – Twitter (open for full two page reference).

Markdown Cheat Sheets


Concise information about GitHub markdown

Running Virtual Machines Under Vagrant on the New Mac M1 | by James Cundle | Better Programming


Running Virtual Machines Under Vagrant on the New Mac M1

Monitor your Internet with a Raspberry Pi | Jeff Geerling


The Internet Pi runs Pi-hole for DNS privacy and ad-blocking, and Prometheus and Grafana to provide Internet connection monitoring dashboards.

Raspberry Pi DNS Settings: How to Change the DNS - Pi My Life Up


The process of changing the DNS server on your Raspberry Pi is a pretty simple process and involves modifying a single file. In addition to showing you what file you will need to edit, we will also walk you through a couple of methods of ensuring your Raspberry Pi is using your newly set DNS.

Paste URL - VS Code Extension


Allows you to paste formatted URLs into md documents in VS Code

Paste Image - VS Code Extension


Allows you to paste images into md documents in VS Code

Python in Visual Studio Code – August 2022 Release - Python


Microsoft announces the availability of the Python and Jupyter extensions for Visual Studio @Code - August 2022. Updates include a new Python Tools extension template, Web app debug setups that are automatically generated and more. #Python #Jupyter

SFTP - Visual Studio Marketplace


sftp sync extension for VS Code

Setting Up a Developer Environment Using Docker


A Docker-based Dev Environment

"Docker-composing" a Python 3 Flask App Line-by-Line | by Luis Ferrer-Labarca | BitCraft | Medium


"Docker-composing" a Python 3 Flask App Line-by-Line
