Tech is way, WAY interesting

Review: Marware Axis and MicroShell Folio iPad mini cases | 9to5Mac


Review: Marware Axis and MicroShell Folio iPad mini cases | 9to5Mac


Marware, one of the leading accessory makers for Apple’s mobile devices, has sent us two of their latest iPad mini cases for review. Both cases are unique in their own right, but both are built with versatility and quality …

How to Make a Professional Looking Front Panel « adafruit industries blog


46658046 media httpwwwadafruit ojmtl

via adafruit.com


RoboBrrd Indiegogo campaign funded! 151%! | RoboBrrd Blog


Posted on December 6, 2012 by


Last night was the final countdown for the RoboBrrd Indiegogo campaign, we surpassed our stretch goal!

Big thanks to all the new and old friends of RoboBrrd, for backing the project and/or spreading the word!

We will be keeping everyone in the …

RoboBrrd Blog



via robobrrd.com

Help make it happen. Support the RoboBrrd campaign today!

HOW-TO: Animating Multiple LED Backpacks @ The Adafruit Learning System « adafruit industries blog



via adafruit.com

Mars orbiter catches pic of Curiosity on its way down!


That's one amazing robot!

From Discovery Bad Astronomy Blog

[This is truly astonishing: the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter snapped what may turn out to be the Space Picture of the Year: Curiosity descending to Mars under its parachutes!]{style="font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px; text-align …

iTunes Match


iTunes Match

Finally getting around to turning on iTunes match. I only have about 4,000 songs in my library. It will be interesting to see how many match their database.

Open Source Hardware


A great TED talk about the Arduino and open source hardware. Video

RC Car Meets Arduino



via rcarduino.blogspot.com

Way cool.

The iPad Is The Future Of Education


For the past years, Apple has been showcasing the educational advantages of devices like Macs, iPhones and iPods on its Apple in Education website. Since the introduction of the iPad in 2010, however, the company has been making an effort to position the device as the best tool now available …

Get Started with Arduino and iOS - Save 60% - O'Reilly Media


Get Started with Arduino and iOS

Save 60% – One Week Only Use code: WKAAVE

Turn your iPhone or iPad into the hub of a distributed sensor network with the help of an Arduino microcontroller. For Objective-C programmers who like to experiment, Alasdair Allan's new video and related ebook explain the …

The Google leaders’ crazy asteroid venture: A platinum rush? | VentureBeat



via venturebeat.com

Sounds like they will need a lot of robots!

AmazonSupply opens for business. Now bring on the 3-D printers. — Tech News and Analysis



via gigaom.com

Hmmm... getting closer and closer to mainstream.

Preface | learn.parallax.com



via learn.parallax.com

Training for the Parallax Board of Education Shield for Arduino

April Showers


I'm really liking the ability to embed processingjs right into a page.

How 3D Technology is Changing Shoe Design | Design Decoded



via blogs.smithsonianmag.com

3D printing is here is is already changing how we think about manufacturing. The custom, one-up, goods industry is ready to explode!

STEM Teaching infographic « adafruit industries blog



via adafruit.com

I still like the idea of STEM including Art (STEAM). I have a degree in computer science and have worked in large aerospace companies for 25 years and every day I wished that more people understand the fundamentals of art and how it impacts humans. We could …

Parallax BOE Shield-Bot book – meet author Andy Lindsay « adafruit industries blog



via adafruit.com

We are going to use this for the Boy Scout Robotics Merit Badge!

How I Finally “got” STEM | The Tech Savvy Educator



via techsavvyed.net

[STEM is one of those edu-acronyms that gets tossed out at large conferences, as models for new innovative schools, and a “catch all” for science and math stuff lately, yet it still seems to mystify many teachers. An informal poll of teachers in my district revealed that …

The Free Universal Construction Kit | F.A.T.



via fffff.at

What a great idea.

BOE Shield for Arduino



via parallax.com

Now we are talking. This looks great!

Lines Marching


Here is a fun one I re-created from the good ole days.

Lines of March


Here is a short program that demonstrates using Processing.js. It is all built into modern browsers, no plug-ins required.



Check out this website I found at oldcomputermuseum.com

This takes me back. What a collection. I've owned hundreds of computers over the years. I wonder if I could think of them all.

Cool HTML 5 Project


By: http://studio.sketchpad.cc/
