I still like the idea of STEM including Art (STEAM). I have a degree in computer science and have worked in large aerospace companies for 25 years and every day I wished that more people understand the fundamentals of art and how it impacts humans. We could …
We are going to use this for the Boy Scout Robotics Merit Badge!
[STEM is one of those edu-acronyms that gets tossed out at large conferences, as models for new innovative schools, and a “catch all” for science and math stuff lately, yet it still seems to mystify many teachers. An informal poll of teachers in my district revealed that …
Here is a short program that demonstrates using Processing.js. It is all built into modern browsers, no plug-ins required.
Check out this website I found at
This takes me back. What a collection. I've owned hundreds of computers over the years. I wonder if I could think of them all.
Adafruit has their new GPS module out. Looks great, good features and good price.
I just purchased a new wireless IP camera from Amazon and it works great. I didn't use any of the software that came with the camera and I did it all with my Macbook or I could have done it all with my iPhone or iPad.
I've been …
Check out this website I found at
I've always said that mobile robots will not be fully useful until they understand and can utilize momentum. We are finally on our way.
Can't wait.
I'm not colored blind, but I really like this app!
Give it five minutes Jason F. Mar 01
46 comments Latest by Gavin
A few years ago I used to be a hothead. Whenever anyone said anything, I’d think of a way to disagree. I’d push back hard if something didn’t fit my world-view.
It’s like …
Very cool. I've been looking for a good way to teach programming on the iPad. Adding this to my to-do list.
This is cool. A classroom from the ISS showing how different simple machines work on Earth and in the microgravity of space.
This looks very interesting. I've been thinking of a way to get kids interested even faster. I will have to get one and try it out.
Nice. This is the iron I use now. The difference the cord makes is astounding. It keeps the heat up and is light weight. Highly recommended.
Dear Mr. Kalil,
I cannot tell you how overjoyed I am that our Nation’s leaders have finally opened an intrigued eye to the blossoming Maker movement. Your speech following the Maker Faire in New York was encouraging, exciting, and promising. It put a well deserved spotlight on the achievements …
Wow, these are great videos. I'm not sure how I've not heard of them before.
Try watching this video on, or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser.
Not about robots, but without this kind of knowledge then the rest just doesn't matter.
Control your Arduino, control the world with Hotkeys on your Mac.
This is a great little project that I just completed. The programming is the cool part. You just go to their website and they have a little javascript page that you can type in your message. You set you Blinky to receive mode and it programs by …