Tech is way, WAY interesting

Garry Knight: "Using AirPods as a Hearing Aid…" - Toot.Cat


I got a pair of AirPod Pro earbuds and set them up for my personal hearing needs. Later that day I went for a walk in my local woods and literally gasped out loud at hearing the birds I'd been missing for some years!

How NASA Writes Space-Proof Code


When you write some code and put it on a spacecraft headed into the far reaches of space, you need to it work, no matter what. Mistakes can mean loss of mission or even loss of life. In 2006, Gerard Holzmann of the NASA/JPL Laboratory for Reliable Software wrote a paper called The Power of 10: Rules for Developing Safety-Critical Code. The rules focus on testability, readability, and predictability:




Living in hyperbole | Seth's Blog


In the pre-media world, we bumped into fables, or news from across the village, but mostly, our role models and experiences were based on reality.

Folding phones are the stuff of science fiction - The Verge


In the process, they've given us vivid examples of why folding phones could be more than the latest gadget gimmick or another screen to scratch. They could actually be useful. According to these fictional futures, three primary reasons stand out:

Apollo Remastered


NASA keeps the original film negatives from the Apollo program sealed in a frozen vault in Houston, TX and rarely grants access to them. As a result, nearly all of the photos we see of those historic missions were made decades ago or are copies of copies. Recently, the film was cleaned and digitally scanned at "an unprecedented resolution".

Some blogging myths


A few years ago I gave a short talk (slides) about myths that discourage people from blogging. I was chatting with a friend about blogging the other day and it made me want to write up that talk as a blog post.

Apple Vision – Stratechery by Ben Thompson


It really is one of the best product names in Apple history: Vision is a description of a product, it is an aspiration for a use case, and it is a critique on the sort of society we are building, behind Apple’s leadership more than anyone else.

First impressions: Yes, Apple Vision Pro works and yes, it’s good. | TechCrunch


But, I’ve used essentially every major VR headset and AR device since 2013’s Oculus DK1 right up through the latest generations of Quest and Vive headsets. I’ve tried all of the experiences and stabs at making fetch happen when it comes to XR. I’ve been awed and re-awed as developers of the hardware and software of those devices and their marquee apps have continued to chew away at the “conundrum of the killer app” — trying to find something that would get real purchase with the broader public.

tldr InBrowser.App


tldr InBrowser.App is an offline-capable PWA for tldr-pages. Fully runs in your browser. Zero API latency.

Implement DNS in a weekend


Implement DNS in a weekend

Meet Mr. Internet: Vint Cerf - IEEE Spectrum


Vint Cerf is the recipient of the IEEE Medal of Honor “for cocreating the Internet architecture and providing sustained leadership in its phenomenal growth in becoming society’s critical infrastructure.” PETER ADAMS

Passkeys: Using FIDO for Secure and Easy Authentication


Passkeys, the popular name for FIDO, are not only easy, they offer better protection against phishing than other forms of multi-factor authentication. This is how they work.

Passkeys.io – A Passkey Authentication Demo


What is a passkey? A passkey is a new way to sign in that works completely without passwords. By using the security capabilities of your devices like Touch ID and Face ID, passkeys are way more secure and are easier to use than both passwords and all current 2-factor authentication methods.

Apple’s File Provider Forces Mac Cloud Storage Changes - TidBITS


Over the last year, cloud storage services Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive—and probably others—have migrated from custom kernel extensions to Apple’s new-ish File Provider extension. It provides an Apple-approved framework for integrating remote files into macOS and displaying them in the Finder. I touched on this move a year ago in “Cloud Storage Forecast Unsettled, with Possible Storms” (4 February 2022).

Writing Javascript without a build system


Writing Javascript without a build system

Application Holotypes: A Guide to Architecture Decisions - JASON Format


Analyzing the characteristics of real-world applications is difficult. We often make generalizations about applications we see in the wild, both anecdotal and statistical: "Single-Page Applications are slower than multipage" or "apps with low TTI loaded fast". However, the extent to which these generalizations hold for the performance and architectural characteristics we care about varies. I believe one of the primary determinants of this variability are a product's features and design constraints, and classifying applications based on their features & constraints can enable more targeted and impactful solutions to the problems faced by each.

hexbin - hexagon sticker repository


Community hexagon stickers

Examples of problems with integers


Hello! A few days back we talked about problems with floating point numbers.

AddyOsmani.com - Prioritizing tasks using the Eisenhower matrix


The Eisenhower matrix is a popular time management tool that can help you prioritize your tasks and make the most of your time.

11 Intriguing Engineering Milestones to Look for in 2023


The initial segment of what will be the first underwater fiber-optic link to skirt the North Pole, connecting Japan and Europe, will light up in early 2023. This stretch, called Iris, will link Iceland to Ireland. In subsequent years, the Far North Fiber project will lay down a cable through the Northwest Passage, connecting Iceland to Greenland, then Canada, Alaska, and finally Japan. Far North Fiber will help increase the geographic diversity of the world’s fiber-optic network; currently, submarine cables are laid along a few well-trodden routes, leaving the network vulnerable to local hazards, like ship anchors, earthquakes, or fiber-eating sea monsters.

terminal - List of ANSI color escape sequences - Stack Overflow


The ANSI escape sequences you're looking for are the Select Graphic Rendition subset. All of these have the form

Michael Tsai - Blog - C xor C++ Programming


It is not uncommon to hear about C/C++ programming as a shorthand for “C and C++” programming. This implies that C and C++ are similar, but distinct, programming languages with the obvious interpretation being that C++ is a proper superset of C. However, this does not accurately describe the situation. The C++ programming language is inspired by the C programming language and supports much of the syntax and semantics of C, but is not a superset that is built on top of C. Despite sharing a historical relationship to one another, the languages have evolved independently and are specified in separate language standards. Due to this separation of the two specifications, incompatibilities have crept into the shared space of code that can be compiled by either a C compiler or a C++ compiler.

The really tiny RISC-V emulator: But, can it run Doom? #RISCV #Emulation @cnlohr « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!


Last week, we blogged about the making a very small RISC-V emulator. Folks asked the author the next logical question after finding out that the emulator works: Can it run Doom?

Does WWW still belong in URLs? | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks


For years, a small pedantry war has been raging in our address bars. In one corner are brands like Google, Instagram, and Facebook. This group has chosen to redirect example.com to www.example.com. In the opposite corner: GitHub, DuckDuckGo, and Discord. This group has chosen to do the reverse and redirect www.example.com to example.com.
